Julio Bejarano Orozco

Instituto sobre Alcoholismo y Farmacodependencia (IAFA), Costa Rica



The present article presents some of the reflections on scientific publications in Psychology, its limited development in Costa Rica, some achivements and limits of the investigative undertaking and the importancy of publications of the Institute on Alcoholism and Drug Dependency (IAFA spanish for: del Instituto sobre Alcoholismo y Farmacodependencia), organization in which the author of this article has been working arduously for three decades. The number of scientific publications of a country constitutes an indicator of the development in a determined area of the knowledge or discipline, a diverse number of authors have been referring of an increase of scientific publishing projects in Latin America, and Costa Rica has not been the exception, specifically in the IAFA, because the legacy that was inherited to those who entered the institution at the end of the 70s, it constituted an incentive to consolidate and to increase this undertaking, generating a diversity of national studies on the demand of drugs and diverse investigations in student populations and other human groups that have published in national and international magazines.

Keywords: scientific publications, profits, limitations, development.



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