Karol Jiménez Alfaro, Guaner Rojas Rojas, Armel Brizuela Rodríguez  y Nelson Pérez Rojas
Universidad de Costa Rica, Costa Rica



The premise of this study is that a cognitive model can increase students’ performance for solving items on a standardized test, where strategies play a crucial role. The purpose of the study is to validate a cognitive model with four strategies defined by expert judges based on the response processes that underlie the items of the University of Costa Rica (UCR) Academic Aptitude Test. Eight semi-structured interviews were conducted with first-year students at UCR and the techniques of verbal reporting were applied to gather evidence of the items’ response processes. The reports were analyzed to verify the correspondence between the framework of the strategies previously defined by expert judges and the answers given by the participants. In light of the results, it was concluded that the participants followed the proposed strategies for solving the situations posed, and, therefore, the items are indicators of the processes underlying these strategies. The results open the possibility of implementing research with attributes present in each strategy proposed in this study, which will allow predicting test scores in academic performance at the UCR.

Keywords: admission test, response processes, verbal report, reasoning in mathematical context, cognitive model



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