Fernanda Durón-Ramos
Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora, México


Cesar Octavio Tapia-Fonllem,
Victor Corral-Verdugo y
Blanca Silvia Fraijo-Sing
Universidad de Sonora, México


Family environment is considered one of the essential contexts in life; one of the reasons is because people spend most of their quality time in the home. This study focused its interest in the positivity that this socio-physical context generates in the individual. The study aimed at identifying the relationship between the construct called a positive family environment and the personal well-being of people living in urban and rural contexts. A sample of 202 people gave their answers, 68% woman, and 32% man, the age was between 18 y 76 years old with a mean of 34.7 (SD = 14.3). The instrument combined scales to measure socio-physical components in the family environment and personal well-being. Reliability, descriptive, and comparative analyses, as well as a structural equation model were performed. Results showed the existence of diff erences between people living in urban and rural zones on most of the socio-physical dimensions of the family environment. A higher-order factor was formed with physical and social aspects, this variable is called a positive family environment, and it is signifi cantly related to personal well-being.

Keywords: Well-being, Family, Family Environment, Urban, Rural





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