Kristy Barrantes-Brais
Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica


Isabel Balaguer-Solá
Universitat de València, España



The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of positive psychology and exercise interventions on psychological well-being and ill-being indicators in Costa Rican college students. This study had a quasi-experimental factorial (4 x 2) design, 233 college students (18.97 ± 2.18 years, 135 females, 98 males) were assigned to one of four different conditions: positive psychological interventions (PP), exercise interventions (E), combined (PP + E) interventions, and control group (C). Psychological well-being and ill-being indicators were measured pre and post interventions. Positive psychological interventions improved the “negative emotions” indicator (p = .022); but did not have a significant impact on well-being indicators (p > .05). The combination of PP and E interventions produced the same effects as PP alone; a decrease in “negative emotions” was observed (p = .028). This effect might contribute to improve the experience of university life for higher education students and protect them from the risks associated with psychological ill-being. Exercise interventions alone did not change either the psychological well-being or ill-being indicators (p > .05).

Keywords: University Students, Student Well-being, Emotions, Classroom Environment, Teachers






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