Ricardo Millán-González
Universidad de Costa Rica, Costa Rica


Cynthia Córdoba-López
Universidad de Costa Rica, Costa Rica


Marjorie Moreno-Salas
Caja Costarricense del Seguro Social, Costa Rica



Long ago, the scientific literature informed about the now well-known copycat effect, understood as a reproduction of the self-injurious act by susceptible individuals after being exposed to suicide-related information in the media (news, social networks, etc.). From observations in psychological and psychiatric care of patients, our group has detected that these manifestations are actually part of a much broader clinical spectrum, where other manifestations can also be found. It would seem plausible that if a spectrum is defined, the most severe end would be consummated suicide, which is the well-recognized component to date (copycat effect); but it is also possible that there is a series of more diverse expressions in other patients after having been exposed to this information, which could include cognitive distortions, obsessive and intrusive phenomena, passive and active ideation of death and unsuccessful suicide attempts. Our purpose with this paper is to explain our observations and present a clinical vignette as an example. We believe that correct recognition and approach to these phenomena is fundamental to establish treat­ments and preventive strategies that guarantee the safety of this population.

Keywords: Suicide, Clinical Spectrum, Copycat Effect, Emotional Sequelae, Media




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