Tatiana María Blanco-Álvarez, MSc.,
Megan A. Thoen, Ph.D.
Texas Tech University, Estados Unidos de América
Abstract The aim of this study was to establish whether a sample of correctional officers in Costa Rica experience workplace stress and if workplace stress is related to the presence of stress, depression, anxiety, burnout and other various personal and occupational characteristics. Additionally, whether there are differences between men and women regarding the presence of such factors are explored. The Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS), Work Stress Scale for Correctional Officers (WSSCO) and Brief Questionnaire on Burnout (CBB) were administered to 66 correctional officers from different prisons in Costa Rica. Conclusions: Workplace stress is significantly related to the presence of stress, anxiety and depression, but not related to the presence of burnout. No differences between men and women were found on any variable. It is important to know how the work environment affects the lives of the officers, in order to improve the working conditions that could have negative effects on the job performance and health of the officers, as well to provide information for police psychologists who are in charge of providing clinical and counseling services to correctional officers.
Keywords: Correctional Officers, Workplace Stress, Stress, Anxiety, Burnout, Depression
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