Adriana Vindas González
Universidad de Costa Rica
Everyday we encounter mothers of different ages and socioeconomic status, unsure about motherhood and their role as mothers, and about the possibility of actually performing that role successfully. Finding answers would seem to require tapping into the experience of previous generations. However, parenting nowadays requires the incorporation of elements such as legislation on children and adolescents as well as a qualitatively different child from the one previous generations perceived. These aspects are challenges to be faced in everyday life and, since the way to deal with them is not clear, they give way to fears, indecisiveness, and worries about parenting processes. This article intends to provoke thought on this subject through the presentation of theoretical contributions and anecdotic records, and also points out coincidences between mothers and everyday actions that contribute to motherhood nowadays.
Keywords: society, motherhood, mothering, children, parenting styles, reflective processes
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