José Moral de la Rubia
Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, México



It has been proposed that an attitude of rejection toward infidelity acts as a protective factor from extradyadic sex, which can have negative effects for the stability of the couple. The Attitude Toward Marital Exclusivity Scale (ATMES) is a brief instrument, used in research, but it is not validated in Mexico. The objectives of this article were to validate the ATMES, and to contrast a model to predict sexual infidelity. A random-route sampling was used. A questionnaire composed of four scales was administered to 727 Mexican married persons (52.8% women and 47.2% men). The internal consistency of ATMES was excellent, the distribution of ATMES scores showed positive asymmetry, and the one-factor model was validated. A model, in which the desire for sexual infidelity predicts sexual infidelity, the desire for sexual infidelity is predicted by attitude toward infidelity, marital satisfaction and sexual sensation seeking and these last two correlated variables predict attitude toward infidelity, had a good fit to the data, and was valid for both sexes. It is concluded that ATMES is a consistent, one-dimensional measure, that shows evidence of construct validity.

Keywords: Concurrent Couples, Attitude Toward Marital Infi delity, Sexual Sensation Seeking, Marital Satisfaction.




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