Stephanie Armstrong-Gallegos

Universidad de La Frontera, Chile


María José Sandoval Muñoz

Universidad de Magallanes, Chile



Learning difficulties, which may continue to manifest into adulthood, are linked to deficits in sensory processing. A study focused on investigating the sensory profile of adults with and without learning difficulties (LD) in literacy is presented. Quantitative and non-experimental study. The sensory profile was assessed through a questionnaire based on Dunn’s model (1997b), which defines four sensory patterns based on the interaction between the neurological threshold and self-regulation strategies. We also included a self-reporting of LD. The results showed similar scores in three sensory patterns for both groups, with significant differences in the ‘Bystander’ sensory pattern (p = .038, d = 0.5). This pattern would characterize adults with LD with a tendency for passive self-regulation strategies and a high neurological threshold. Sensory processing characteristics may be relevant to guide the intervention and support of people with LD. Our findings demonstrate the relevance of analyzing the sensory processing profilefor understanding learning difficulties. In applied terms, it expands support possibilities for adults with LD by highlighting the need for environments that respond to individual sensory characteristics.

KeywordsLearning Disabilities, Literacy, Sensory Profile, Self-Regulation, Neurological Threshold



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