Ovide Menin Piaty

Universidad Nacional del Rosario



The document that next is exposed, makes reference to history of the formation of the professional in psychology like human resource within the health processes, concept that has been used erroneously and in health it has an ideological load difficult to surpass. It has been questioned repeatedly, and within the recovery of the lost health one has leagued together to the formation of a concrete professional: the doctor, relegating somehow to the other professionals involved in the health, including a the psychologist(a). By the previous thing, in this document an analysis of the curriculum of the university of Rosary of year 1955 is made, destined to form professionals, that although with a simple structure it is constituted in the first Plan destined to the formation of human resource never before thought for the prevention and recovery of the health, and which in times in which nobody at least dreamed about the work multi or interdisciplinary with this somewhat incipientes steps occur, but very instructive.

Keywords: human resource, professional information, health, curriculum.



Annoni y Sáenz. (1991). Proyecto de cambio curricular. Dirección de Publicaciones UNR, Rosario.

López, Jaime. (1996) Comentario respecto a la materia Psicología correspondiente al primer año de la carrera de Psicología de la UNR, mimeografiado.

Menin, Ovide. (1991). Investigación evaluativa del curriculum académico (1991) vigente para la formación de psicólogos en la ciudad de Rosario. Publicaciones del I.I. Psicológicas (UNR), Rosario.