Nelly Lagos-San Martín

Universidad del Bío-Bío, Concepción, Chile


Carlos Ossa-Cornejo

Universidad del Bío-Bío, Concepción, Chile


Maritza Palma-Luengo
Universidad del Bío-Bío, Concepción, Chile



Since the three-dimensional theory, school anxiety is defined as a set of symptoms arising from three response systems. The objective of this study was to evaluate school anxiety responses in Chilean primary school students, during three consecutive years, to determine possible changes over time. To this end, 155 children from three different courses were included; they were evaluated for their level of school anxiety for three consecutive years. The instrument used for this was the School Anxiety Inventory for Primary Education (IAEB), which measures the cognitive, psychophysiological and motor anxiety responses. Analysis of variance of repeated measures was performed to determine temporal stability. The results indicated that the mean did not show statistically significant differences, maintaining school anxiety in these children over the three-year period, supporting the possibility that it appears as a stable symptom of the students, rather than responding to specific events in the environment.

Keywords: School anxiety, Longitudinal study, Primary education



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