Yazmin Huayanay Huamaní

Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas, Lima, Perú


Johanna Liliana Kohler Herrera

Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas, Lima, Perú



The research describe the psychological well-being in teachers who instruct hatha yoga and the study corresponds to a phenomenological design. The participants were 10 teachers, 6 women and 4 men between 21 and 58 years of age residing in the city of Lima – Peru, who responded to a semi-structured interview. The investigation used a content analysis and the results are aligned with the theory of psychological well-being based on the experience of the hatha yoga instructors. The members of the study indicate that yoga invites them to feel more control over their lives, that it allows them to become more involved in their daily work and tells that hatha yoga helped them to find meaning in life. Also, they mention that the most outstanding effect of their practice is the confort of pain in psychosomatic origin, which helps as a complement to the psychotherapy. Finally, the implications of the findings are discussed.

KeywordsPsychological well-being, Hatha yoga, Meaning, Effects, Qualities



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