Education, Generosity, Ecology and Silence: Towards an Education for Health and Wellbeing in the Classrooms of the 21st Century
Education, Health, Generosity, Proximity, Ecology, SilenceAbstract
With the present paper, we intend to refl ect on how aspects such as generosity, ecology and silence can have a positive impact on the students within our educational systems. A way to look at the world with care and attention is thus proposed. Through the teaching interventions carried out, the teachers can intervene in the learners as “users” of the world, as social beings, and therefore have an important infl uence on the future of our planet and our societies. In the end, the teacher, as an active element in the educational contents, can contribute in a conscious way to improve the social health and the wellbeing of the human communities in our age. Therefore, it is essential for the teaching processes to account for aspects which will create better individuals, better social systems and a more balanced ecology for everybody.Published
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