Relationship Between Depression and Adherence to Treatment in Diabetes, Considering Social Support Networks, Coping Skills and Sex
Diabetes, Depression, Adherence to treatment, Coping strategies, Social supportAbstract
From a biopsychosocial perspective, the aim of the study was to determine which diabetes model presents thebest fi t to the data: one in which treatment adherence predicts depression, or one in which depression predictstreatment adherence, considering in both cases social support, coping strategies, and sex. This was assessed via acausal cross-sectional design with a sample of 278 patients, with an average age of 59 years. Measures included theThree-dimensional Depression Questionnaire, Diabetics’ Lifestyle Instrument, Coping Strategies Questionnaire,and Social Network and Support Scale. Structural equation modeling showed a similar fi t for indexes from bothmodels; therefore, it can be stated that these models present an acceptable fi t to the data. Being a woman, less avoidancestrategy, greater support networks, and less treatment adherence, produces less depression. These results willallow researchers to design psychological interventions to increase treatment adherence, and to prevent depression.References
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