The writing of academic articles: an exercise of rigor, discipline, and creation



academic writing, political rationality, patriarchy, gender, research


This essay discusses the challenges faced by individuals who aspire to write academic articles. The essay is divided into two parts - the first part delves into the political and subjective hurdles that surround this task, including contemporary political-economic rationality and patriarchy. The second part focuses on the fundamental prerequisites that can aid in the writing process, particularly the formulation of a research problem to be addressed, as well as the handling of sources.

Author Biography

Laura Álvarez Garro, Universidad de Costa Rica, San José, Costa Rica

Psychoanalyst. Associate professor of Universidad de Costa Rica. It belongs to the History of Concepts Group. Doctor in Humanities with emphasis on Moral and Political Philosophy from the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Iztapalapa campus (UAM-I), master's degree in Social Sciences from the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences, Mexico campus (FLACSO-Mx), graduate in Psychology by the Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR). He has also completed studies at the Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities, University of London; at the Center for Historical Studies of the College of Mexico (COLMEX), at the Graduate School of Social Sciences of the Humboldt University, in Berlin, at the Institute of Critical Studies 17, in Mexico City, at the College of Knowledge, of the same city and at the Inter-American Institute of Human Rights, IIHR, Costa Rica. Currently, she works as a professor and researcher at the Universidad de Costa Rica, specifically in the Doctorate in Society and Culture Studies (DESC), Postgraduate Psychology (PPP), Postgraduate Philosophy and the School of Philosophy, and she is also a researcher of the Institute of Philosophical Research (INIF).


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How to Cite

Álvarez Garro, L. (2024). The writing of academic articles: an exercise of rigor, discipline, and creation. Costa Rican Journal of Psychology, 43(1), 1–13. Retrieved from