The importance of psychoeducation in the intervention of elderly adults with mild neurocognitive disorder




psychoeducation, neurocognitive disorder, cognitive impairment, elderly adult, neuropsychology, memory, attention, language


Psychoeducation is a marginal topic in the academic literature. Elderly adults who experience some difficulty at a cognitive level require differentiated treatment in terms of their therapeutic approach. The objective of this work is to justify the importance of psychoeducation in the intervention of elderly adults who suffer from a neurocognitive disorder, specifically a mild one. The problem that arises is specified in the following question: How important is psychoeducation in the intervention of elderly adults who experience a mild neurocognitive disorder? With this objective, the work raises three central themes: the particularity of the brain of older adults, neurocognitive disorder and psychoeducation. The method it assumes is based on a narrative review design.

Author Biography

Wilmer Casasola-Rivera, Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Costa Rica.

Professor and researcher, part of the Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica at the Social Sciences Office. Currently he is working research associated to his Ph.D. dissertation. His main fields of interest are ethics, bioethics, neuroeducation, neuropsychology and animal bioethics. He holds Philosophy and Psychology degrees from the Universidad de Costa Rica. He also counts with Masters degrees on Bioethics, Neuropsychology and education, and on Neuroeducation. He counts with a Ph.D. on Education and a postdoc in Psychology, among other studies.


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How to Cite

Casasola-Rivera, W. (2024). The importance of psychoeducation in the intervention of elderly adults with mild neurocognitive disorder. Costa Rican Journal of Psychology, 43(1), 1–13.