Comparative study of clinical indicators of marital satisfaction on infertile couples
marital satisfaction, infertility, self-concept, gender rolesAbstract
With the objective of establishing clinical indicators for marital satisfaction on infertile couples a total of 138 couples were evaluated by means of a multivariate design to define clinical indicators for marital satisfaction on infertile couples. The applied inventory included the following: selfconcept, gender roles, an anxiety scale and a questionnaire on marital satisfaction, results of whichwere compared between men and women. Both a Student’s t-test and a discriminant analysis were employed. There are more women above the cut-off point with less marital satisfaction. The t-test displayed differences and two matrixes were obtained, one for women and one for men. The former resulted in self-concept, anxiety traits, submission, masculine role, and anxiety state and the feminine role being discriminated when measuring marital satisfaction whereas for men, self-concept, a state of anxiety, the feminine role, anxiety traits, submission and the masculine role are discriminated. Self-concept is a heavyweight clinical indicator in both men and women for marital satisfaction.References
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