Family Functioning and Depression in University Students in the Department of Cesar




family, family functioning, family dysfunction, depression, adaptation


Family is the base of the society and has among its multiple functions the role of being a support network for each of its members in different contexts, including, among other events, their academic and/or professional formation. Dysfunctions within the family directly affect the well-being of its members in the social environment. The objective of this research is to establish the relationship between family functioning and depression in university students from the Cesar department. For this, a cross-sectional quantitative methodology of correlational scope was carried out. The population consisted of 854 students who completed their first semester in the year 2021-1 in different programs offered by the Popular University of Cesar. For data collection, the Family Apgar and Beck Depression Inventory were used. Descriptive findings showed the presence of signs of depression and family dysfunctionality in a high percentage of students, with clinical cases of depression being more present in women than men. It is concluded that there is no relationship between family functioning and depression in first-semester students, therefore, empirical evidence does not allow rejection of the null hypothesis.

Author Biographies

María Margarita Tirado Vides, Universidad Popular del César, Colombia

Psychologist. Master in psychology. Professor of the Pedagogy department, Universidad Popular del César.  

Miladys Paola Redondo Marín, Universidad Popular del César, Colombia

Associate Researcher at Minciencia Colombia. Psychologist, Master in Education. Professor of the Pedagogy department of the Universidad Popular del César.

Gloria Hernández Mieles, Universidad Popular del César, Colombia

Lawyer. Specialist in Legal Institutions of Social Security and Specialist in Environmental Management. Professor of the Law program at the Universidad Popular del César.

Luz Karine Jiménez Ruiz, Universidad Popular del César, Colombia

Associate researcher at Minciencia Colombia. Psychologist, Master in Human Talent Management and Doctor in Innovation Management. Professor of the Pedagogy department of the Universidad Popular del César.

Martha Esther Guerra Muñoz, Universidad Popular del César, Colombia

Business administrator with a doctorate in Social Sciences, mention in management. Professor of Education, Business Administration, Research in Universidad Popular del César. 


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How to Cite

Tirado Vides, M. M. ., Redondo Marín, M. P., Hernández Mieles, G., Jiménez Ruiz, L. K., & Guerra Muñoz, M. E. . (2024). Family Functioning and Depression in University Students in the Department of Cesar. Costa Rican Journal of Psychology, 43(1), 1–12.