Physical Disability, Personality and Laboral Competencies. A Comparative Study with Normative Sample
Personality, Professional Competencies, Physical Disabilty, Normative Population, Job Selfconcept, Professional CompetitivenessAbstract
Being able to reach a high achievement standard in the workplace and a certain degree of professional competitiveness is of paramount importance for the sense of well-being of people with a disability. However, the employers’ views often hold on the professional skills of this group of people tend to hinder their access to the labour market. The purpose of this quantitative study is twofold. First, it aims to analyze and compare the personality features and professional skills between a group of workers with disabilities and a normative sample. Second, it attempts to establish the relationship between the areas of study mentioned above. The sample consist of 56 employees (40 women and 16 men) whose suffer from the following diagnosis: Multiple Sclerosis (40%), functional limitations (30%) and algic syndrom (30%). The standardized surveys used in this study were as follows: the Revised NEOPersonality Inventory and SOSIA Inventory (professional skills assessment). The main conclusion of the study is that the level of neuroticism-related factors is higher among disabled employees and that this group of people seems to be equipped with fewer professional skills which are seen as key to job promotion. Moreover, a negative correlation between these two variables is observed. The findings from this study allow us to shed light on the guidelines to be drawn up for the development of employment programs aimed at boosting the professional selfconcept and skills of people with disabilities.References
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