Construction of sexuality in people deprived of liberty: A group experience from the cognitive approach with a gender perspective




sexuality, gender, masculinity, violence, awareness


This work represents the voices of a group of persons deprived of liberty from the Gerardo Rodríguez Echeverría Institutional Care Center, who dared to talk about their sexuality. The objective was to raise awareness about the issue of sexuality from the construction as men, to promote an analysis of their personal stories that would serve as a prelude to the subsequent therapeutic work on their sexually offensive behavior. The group of participants was made up of twenty persons deprived of liberty who were serving a sentence for sexual offenses against adult women. The work sessions were developed by two facilitators from the psychology section of the penitentiary center, who carried out twelve workshops with the participants at the end of 2019, which were approached from a cognitive approach with a gender perspective, to reflect on the configuration of sexuality and masculinity.Participatory techniques were used to encourage the analysis of the dimensions, functions, and components of sexuality. The results of the group experience were of vital importance because they felt comfortable talking about themselves, their families, and their relationships., with discussions and reflections on gender, culture, patriarchy, masculinity, and violence.

Author Biographies

Yara Mora Vega, Ministerio de Justicia y Paz, Costa Rica

Master in Clinical and Mental Health Psychology from Fidélitas University. He also has a master's degree in Industrial and Organizational Psychology from the Universidad Latina de Costa Rica. She works as a psychologist in the Ministry of Justice and Peace, General Directorate of Social Adaptation, in the Specific Care Center. She works with the incarcerated population to address drug addiction and sexual violence. The work approach is with a gender perspective, the lines of research are related to the sexually offending behavior of the population deprived of liberty.

Elvis Solano Porras, Ministerio de Justicia y Paz, Costa Rica.

Master in Clinical Psychology from the University of Ibero-America. He works in the Ministry of Justice and Peace, General Directorate of Social Adaptation, in the Gerardo Rodríguez Echeverría Institutional Care Center, where he works as a Clinical Psychologist in care of the population deprived of liberty in addictive problems and sexual violence. The work approach is from the cognitive model and the lines of research are on the analysis of risk and protective factors in addictive behavior in the prison population and studies on sexuality in the population it serves. In addition, he is an academic at the School of Psychology of the National University (UNA) where he links drug dependence and criminological psychology courses with prison work through specialized training practices for psychology students. He is an active member of the Final Graduation Projects Commission of the UNA School of Psychology.


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How to Cite

Mora Vega, Y., & Solano Porras, E. (2024). Construction of sexuality in people deprived of liberty: A group experience from the cognitive approach with a gender perspective. Costa Rican Journal of Psychology, 43(2), 1–17.