Adaptation and Validation of the Satisfaction with Support Received from Partner Scale and the Design and Validation of the Willingness to Receive Social Support Scale
Support, Couple Relationships, Measurement, Validation, MexicoAbstract
A couple’s relationship is one of the best scenarios where support manifests itself as a resource as well as a maintenance and satisfaction strategy between its members, nevertheless, its operationalization has been partially addressed but the willingness to receive and satisfaction with the support provided haven’t been studied. Therefore, this research was proposed to adapt and validate the Sarason et al. (1983) Social Support Questionnaire (SSQ) in the context of the couple’s relationship, to design and validate a measure of willingness to receive social support, both in Mexico, and evaluate the measurement invariance by sex for both scales. With the participation of 202 Mexican heterosexual couples, exploratory and confi rmatory factor analyses were carried out in order to examine both the factorial conformation and the fit to the model and the possible variations by sex in each case. The measure of Satisfaction with Support received from Partner (formerly SSQ) provided three factors, which indicate specifi cities not previously reported, while the measure of willingness to receive social support was one-dimensional. Based on this, two measures were obtained whose reliability and validity indices were satisfactory for use in basic andapplied research.Downloads
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