Application and evaluation of the efficacy of the Unified Transdiagnostic Protocol with Spanish college students


  • Flavia Arrigoni Universidad de Cádiz, Cádiz, España
  • Esperanza Marchena-Consejero Universidad de Cádiz, Cádiz, España
  • José Navarro-Guzmán Universidad de Cádiz, Cádiz, España



Synchronic online group, Unifi ed Transdiagnostic Protocol, University Psychological, Services, University students


This study presents the results of the application of the Unifi ed Transdiagnostic Protocol Treatment of EmotionalDisorders in a group format in a non-clinical context, with university students who have asked for therapy at theUniversity Psychological Services. The standardized eight modules-UP was implemented and it was administeredin twelve group sessions. Synchronous online weekly and 90-minute long sessions were carried out. UP is anevidence-based cognitive behavioral intervention program to address a wide range of emotional disorders. Thegeneral target was to examine the efficacy of UP for the Transdiagnostic Treatment of Emotional Disorders in anonline group format. The specific targets were: (a) to increase quality of life, optimism and positive affect; and (b)to reduce depressive and anxious symptoms, negative affect, ruminant behaviors, psychological distress and experientialavoidance. This study was carried out with a quantitative, exploratory, descriptive and interactive approach.A quasi-experimental design, pre- and posttest for paired samples was used. Instruments: OASIS, ODSIS, QLI-Sp,COP, PANAS, RRS, CORE-OM, BEAQ, ad hoc socio-demographic fi le and Opinion Scale. A total of 9 studentsvoluntarily participated in the study (Mean age = 21.11 years). After the intervention, statistically signifi cant diff erenceswere found between the pre- and posttest measurements in negative affect (t = 3.250; p < .012) and in theCORE OM´ Risk Scale (t = 2.401; p < .043). The UP application in a group format with students that asked fortherapy has proven to be eff ective in a non-clinical context, participants have shown progress in the treatment aswell as in some psychological areas.

Author Biographies

Flavia Arrigoni, Universidad de Cádiz, Cádiz, España

Magíster en Intervención Psicológica en Contextos de Riesgo, profesora de la Pontifi cia UniversidadCatólica Argentina y doctoranda de la Universidad de Cádiz (España). Trabaja como docente e investigadora en Argentina

Esperanza Marchena-Consejero, Universidad de Cádiz, Cádiz, España

Doctora en Psicología, catedrática de la Universidad de Cádiz (España). Laboracomo docente e investigadora en España.

José Navarro-Guzmán, Universidad de Cádiz, Cádiz, España

Doctor en Psicología, catedrático de la Universidad de Cádiz (España). Se desempeñacomo docente e investigador en España.


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How to Cite

Arrigoni, F., Marchena-Consejero, E., & Navarro-Guzmán, J. . (2021). Application and evaluation of the efficacy of the Unified Transdiagnostic Protocol with Spanish college students. Costa Rican Journal of Psychology, 40(2), 149–169.