Academic Self-efficacy, Performance and Access to Higher Education in a Pandemic Context
Self-efficacy, Higher education, Access to education, Academic performance, Inclusive education, COVID-19Abstract
Psychology has verified that belief in one’s own abilities is related to performance, and it is important to study this perception of self-efficacy in higher education. This research analyzes the relationship between academic self-efficacy, performance (NEM, PTU, approval expectations) according to type of university access. The study was quantitative, with a cross-sectional and non-probabilistic convenience sample. The sample was 780 Chilean students divided into a group of regular access (82.7%) and a pro-inclusion group (17.3%). The instruments applied were the Perceived Self-Efficacy Scale and academic performance measures. Data analysis was performed using descriptive statistics, Pearson´s r correlation test, Student´s t-test and one-way ANOVA. The results indicate that there are differences between self-efficacy and performance measures according to the type of university access.The pro-inclusion group presented higher self-efficacy, higher NEM and lower PTU. Both groups present similar approval expectations. We conclude that self-efficacy varies according to the type of access to the university and according to performance measures. Students with higher self-efficacy will have higher approval expectations despite adversity.References
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