Teacher Self-regulation: Validation of Scales in Chile Applied with an Online Technological Tool





Teacher self-regulation, psychometric, secondary education, online surveys, surveys for mobile devices


Teacher self-regulation is of great importance because it allows an organized and structured professional exercise, it also facilitates a successful performance of the teaching and learning process, allowing the teacher to monitor the effectiveness of their pedagogical practices and modeling of self-regulatory skills in students. The objective of this study was to adapt and validate scales to measure teaching self-regulation processes in Spanish and with evidence of its functionality by application of technological tools. The study was quantitative, with an instrumental design. The sample consisted of 204 secondary school teachers in Chile. The scales were adapted from the Teacher Self-regulation Scale and underwent back-translation procedures, cognitive interviews, confirmatory factor analysis, and reliability analyses. The results showed adequate validity and reliability estimators for seven scales corresponding to goal setting, intrinsic interest, performance goal orientation, goal mastery orientation, self-instruction, emotional control, and self-evaluation. In conclusion, the scales allow valid and reliable measurement of teaching self-regulatory processes.

Author Biographies

Fabiola Sáez-Delgado, Catholic University of the Santísima Concepción. Concepción, Chile

Ph.D. in Psychology. She is an Academic Researcher in the School of Education and Sub-Director of the Center for Research in Education and Development at the Catholic University of the Santísima Concepción (UCSC), Chile. Head of the Master’s Program in Educational Sciences at the UCSC. Her research interests are the cognitive-motivational variables of teaching-learning processes; socio-emotional competencies, mental health and technology in education. She has more than 70 publications. She is a member of the International Research Group on Society, Education and Psychology (GISEP, Spanish abbreviation). She is the Principal Investigator for the FONDECYT Project 11201054 from the Chilean National Agency for Research and Development.

Javier Mella-Norambuena, Federico Santa María Technical University. Concepción, Chile.

Master’s in Psychology from the University of Concepción and is a Ph.D. Candidate in Education from the Catholic University of the Santísima Concepción. He is a Professor in the Science Department at the Federico Santa María Technical University (Chile). He teaches research methodology and quantitative data analysis in the educational area; he also is involved as a data analyst, providing guidance for graduate theses, projects and post-doctorates. He has more than 40 publications, communications and conferences in national and international congresses.

Yaranay López-Angulo, Universidad de Concepción. Concepción, Chile

Ph.D. in Psychology, a Master’s in Educational Psychology, and a Licentiate in Psychology. She is a professor at the University of Concepción, Chile. Her research interests include psycho-educational and cognitive motivational variables in teaching-learning processes, university dropouts and self-regulated learning. She has taught in centers and universities in different countries. Acting academic director of Continuing Education. She has more than 50 publications. She is the responsible researcher for the FONDECYT Initiation Project: Academic and lifetime goals, social adaptation, emotional, motivational, and academic self-regulation: A mixed design to explain the intention to drop out and university academic performance.

Verónica León-Ron , University Técnica del Norte. Ibarra, Ecuador.

Master’s in Psychotherapy, Professor at the University Técnica del Norte (Ecuador) and is responsible for the lines of research into “Management, educational quality, pedagogical processes and languages” and “Social development and human behavior”. She has taught in centers and universities in Ecuador. She is acting coordinator of the Imbabura Node of the Ecuadoran Network of Scientific women and Ecuadoran representative at the Global Psychology Alliance of the American Psychological Association (APA).

Carolina Contreras-Saavedra, Catholic University of the Santísima Concepción. Concepción, Chile.

Professor of Language and has a Master’s in Educational Sciences. She is currently in postgraduate studies in the program for a Ph.D. in Education at the Catholic University of the Santísima Concepción, Chile. Her line of research involves educational technologies and virtual reality to promote emotional abilities.


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How to Cite

Sáez-Delgado, F., Mella-Norambuena, J., López-Angulo, Y., León-Ron, V. ., & Contreras-Saavedra, C. (2023). Teacher Self-regulation: Validation of Scales in Chile Applied with an Online Technological Tool. Costa Rican Journal of Psychology, 42(1), 25–43. https://doi.org/10.22544/rcps.v42i01.02

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