Parental Interventions for Linguistic-communicative Development in Preschoolers with Neurodevelopmental Disorders: A Systematic Review


  • Nicole B. Vargas Universidad de las Américas. Santiago, Chile.
  • María-José Godoy Universidad de las Américas. Santiago, Chile.
  • Isidora Jeraldo Universidad de las Américas. Santiago, Chile.
  • Estefanía Orellana Universidad de las Américas. Santiago, Chile.
  • Ingeborg Poblete Universidad de las Américas. Santiago, Chile.
  • Sofia Riveros Universidad de las Américas. Santiago, Chile.
  • Katherine Silva Universidad de las Américas. Santiago, Chile.
  • Anthony Marcotti Universidad San Sebastián. Santiago, Chile.



Developmental disabilities, Parent participation, Communication skills, Language skills, Systematic review


In the current socio-sanitary scenario that we are facing as a result of the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic, there have been many activities that have been reduced and even suspended due to long periods of social isolation and care measures to avoid contagion. In this sense, many people have stopped receiving their treatments with the same regularity or under the same circumstances, including children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders. This is how parental interventions correspond to programs where parents or primary caregivers are trained to carry out therapeutic actions with the child and whose objective may be aimed at promoting multiple skills. The objective of this systematic review was to determine the effect of these interventions to promote language and communication in children diagnosed with Neurodevelopmental Disorders between 2 and 5 years of age. A systematic search was carried out in the ERIC, MEDLINE and PubMed databases including publications between January 2010 and March 2022. Of the 9885 initial references, and after the screening and eligibility stages, 5 primary sources met the selection criteria. The results indicate that parental interventions for communication skills would be effective, and the effects would even be maintained in follow-up measures. Regarding language skills, the results across studies are contradictory. On the other hand, none of the studies reported adverse effects for children. Regarding beneficial or adverse effects for parents or primary caregivers, none of the included studies reported associated measures.

Author Biographies

Nicole B. Vargas, Universidad de las Américas. Santiago, Chile.

Speech Therapist, Master in Pediatric Neuropsychology from the University de Los Andes, Chile and PhD Candidate in Linguistics from the Universidad de Concepción, Chile. Currently, she teaches at multiple Chilean higher education institutions, where she stands out as an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences of the University of Las Americas, Chile, teaching undergraduate and postgraduate courses at the School of Speech Therapy. In addition, she is the academic leader of the School's line of research seminars. Hers lines of research focus on the study of language and cognition in the context of neurodevelopmental disorders and specific aspects of written language development at an early age.

María-José Godoy, Universidad de las Américas. Santiago, Chile.

Speech therapist, works in the clinical context in language and communication difficulties in children in health and educational settings.

Isidora Jeraldo, Universidad de las Américas. Santiago, Chile.

Universidad de las Américas. Santiago, Chile. Speech-language pathologist who works in contexts of evaluation and speech-language interventions in special education with preschool-age children diagnosed with language disorders.

Estefanía Orellana, Universidad de las Américas. Santiago, Chile.

Speech-language pathologist who works in contexts of evaluation and speech-language intervention in special education and regular education institutions with integration projects. She develops her clinical practice in the pediactric population diagnosed with neurodevelopmental disorders.

Ingeborg Poblete, Universidad de las Américas. Santiago, Chile.

Speech therapist and graduate in models of early intervention in autism. She currently works in contexts of evaluation and speech therapy intervention in private health centers and special education institutions. Her clinical practice is carried out in the pediatric population diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders and language disorders.

Sofia Riveros, Universidad de las Américas. Santiago, Chile.

Speech-language pathologist who works in contexts of evaluation and speech-language intervention in special education and regular education institutions. Her clinical practice is carried out in the pediatric population with diagnosis of language disorders and in care and early stimulation in children between 0 and 7 years old.

Katherine Silva , Universidad de las Américas. Santiago, Chile.

Speech therapist who works in the clinical context in language and communication difficulties throughout the life cycle in private health institutions.  

Anthony Marcotti, Universidad San Sebastián. Santiago, Chile.

Speech therapist, Master in Audiology from the Andrés Bello University and PhD student in Psychology at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. He works as an academic and researcher at the Faculty of Dentistry and Rehabilitation Sciences at the Universidad San Sebastián, Santiago, Chile. His lines of research focus in the study of auditory processing, through psychoacoustic and electrophysiological techniques, and on the relationships of auditory perception with neuropsychological and social dimensions.


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How to Cite

Vargas, N. B., Godoy, M.-J., Jeraldo, I., Orellana, E. ., Poblete, I., Riveros, S., Silva , K., & Marcotti, A. (2023). Parental Interventions for Linguistic-communicative Development in Preschoolers with Neurodevelopmental Disorders: A Systematic Review. Costa Rican Journal of Psychology, 42(1), 127–141.