Editorial 42 (1) Special Issue. Psychology and Social Cognition: Latin American contributions of applied research in the framework of social cognition


Author Biographies

Jorge Vergara-Morales, Universidad de las Américas. Concepción, Chile.

Sociologist from the Universidad de La Frontera, Master in Social Research and Development and PhD in Psychology from the Universidad de Concepción, Chile. Associate Professor at the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences of the Universidad de las Américas, Concepción, Chile. He performs teaching tasks in the field of epistemology and methodology of the social sciences. His research functions are focused on the line of social cognition, professional ethics and citizenship in teaching-learning contexts. He currently directs the Social Cognition Study Group (GECS, in spanish).  

Andrés M. Pérez-Acosta, Universidad del Rosario. Bogotá, Colombia.

Psychologist from the National University of Colombia (1996), PhD in Psychology from the University of Seville (Spain, 2001). Associate Professor of the Psychology Program, School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universidad del Rosario (Bogotá). Colombian Psychology Award, Excellence Researcher category (2010). Award for Professional Development of Psychology in the Americas "José Toro Alfonso" 2021, awarded by the Inter-American Society of Psychology. He currently directs the Self-Medication Behavior Observatory.  


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Luna-Sánchez, S. E., Pérez-Acosta, A. M., Samaniego-Pinho, A., & Vergara-Morales, J. (Eds.). (2020). Memorias del Congreso Virtual de la Sociedad Interamericana de Psicología 2020: Aportes de la Psicología ante la Covid-19. Sociedad Interamericana de Psicología y Universidad Carlos Albizu. https://doi.org/10.30849/cip.v.2020.memorias

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Vergara-Morales, J., & Pérez-Acosta, A. M. (2021). Editorial: Una muestra de la investigación e intervención psicológicas en el contexto de la pandemia de COVID-19 en América Latina y España. Revista Costarricense de Psicología, 40(2), 67-71. http://rcps-cr.org/?p=4336



How to Cite

Vergara-Morales, J., & Pérez-Acosta, A. M. (2023). Editorial 42 (1) Special Issue. Psychology and Social Cognition: Latin American contributions of applied research in the framework of social cognition. Costa Rican Journal of Psychology, 42(1), 3–7. Retrieved from https://rcps-cr.org/openjournal/index.php/RCPs/article/view/249