Analysis of the affective language learning strategies of university students and their possible impact on their anxiety levels




Affective strategies, motivational effect, language teacher, language learning


In this work we examine the affective dimension in language learning, since it is an important factor that can facilitate or hinder the learning process. Thus, in this research we have carried out quantitative/qualitative work with 170 students to analyze whether affective language learning strategies as a motivational effect influence language acquisition. In line with the above, our objectives are (1) to find out the use of affective strategies (EAF) in language learning and (2) if there is a relationship between their use and the anxiety that students feel in their learning. Our results coincide with the majority of works carried out on the study of language learning strategies (EAL), where it is observed that (1) the EAF are the least used by university students, that is, they do not usually  gain control over them. And (2) it seems that by not using them, anxiety in class is not directly related to the teachers or their practices, and that motivation is not so important in the acquisition of foreign languages. But this study recommends that the teacher present different learning strategies to students, including affective ones, and emphasize their importance for learning a language as measures to facilitate self-learning and the motivational effect that their use provides.

Author Biography

María Cristina Santana-Quintana, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain

Doctor in German Phylology. Professor of the German Philology area of ​​the Department of Modern Philology, Translation and Interpretation of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain),  where she teaches German language and culture. His lines of research focus in the comparison of  German and Spanish studies, applied linguistics and educational innovation, being a member of the  University Institute of Textual Analysis and Applications, and of the research group on “the application  of methodologies for evaluation by competencies in postgraduate studies: results for the EHEA  accreditation”, from where this research work arises.


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How to Cite

Santana-Quintana, M. C. (2024). Analysis of the affective language learning strategies of university students and their possible impact on their anxiety levels. Costa Rican Journal of Psychology, 43(2), 1–16.