Factor structure, invariance of the measure and psychometric properties of the Ambivalent Sexism Inventory in Costa Rica
ASI, gender stereotypes, psychometric properties, measurement invariance, validityAbstract
Ambivalent Sexism (AS) is a multidimensional construct made up of hostile and benevolent beliefs and attitudes that legitimize inequality between the genres. To measure AS the Ambivalent Sexism Inventory (ASI) is widely used. The scale was initially created in English and has is translated and used in several contexts, including the Latin American one. However, in Costa Rica, there is not enough evidence to justify the invariance of the measure and allow adequate psychometric uses. In this study, ASI´s psychometric properties were evaluated in two population groups, at two different points in time, and among men and women. Specifically, the instrument’s factorial structure and invariance across these groups were analyzed using the Multigroup Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) technique. The sample consisted of 968 participants, aged between 16 and 92 years (M = 23 years, SD = 11.62years), of which 58.7% were women. Overall, data indicated the two-dimensional structure of the instrument was partially supported in different populations, over time, and among both men and women. Specifically, in the case of the two populations and the two temporal moments, the results indicated that only configural and metric invariances can be assumed. In the case of sex, results revealed that it is possible to partially assume strict levels of invariance. It is concluded that the ASI presents adequate psychometric properties for its use in Costa Rica.References
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